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The Accumix Dry Acid Dissolution system is an automated acid mixer designed to simplify acid batch preparation and acid concentrate transfer to tanks for dialysis clinics.


Next-generation innovation includes automated batch verification, radio frequency identification (RFID), and more

The Accumix Dry Acid Dissolution System was purposefully designed and integrates scanning, sensing, and record retention technology.1

Streamlines daily workflows and reduces multiple manual tasks

The low powder-entry point allows for the ergonomic handling of heavy powder boxes.2 A touchscreen panel leads the operator step-by-step through the acid mixing process.3 Built-in sensors facilitate the filling and rinsing and enable the automation of associated interaction steps.3,4 Prompts and updates displayed on the touchscreen throughout the mixing process aim to keep the operator engaged.1,4 Accumix is the first dry acid mixer in the US to automatically determine specific gravity at the end of batch preparation.4

Reduce the potential for human errors during batch preparation

During the batch preparation process, the barcode scanning facilitates data matrix entry. The system matches data against the entered prescription, checks expiration dates, and alerts operators of errors.5

Sensing technology determines the specific gravity of the solution. When the acid solution passes automated verification, the system allows transfer to the corresponding RFID-enabled storage tank or jug fill wand.6

Electronic record retention

Regulatory bodies require record-keeping for quality assurance of hemodialysis devices.7 Accumix mixer electronically captures batch production records and disinfections that may replace the need for paper documentation.8


Additional Benefits:

Versatility: One system prepares 99 and 132 gallons of acid1
Compatibility: Fits through standard doors, facilitates logistics and installation1
Acid Waste Reduction: Eliminates the purge of 3.5 gallons of acid in the transfer hose*


Service and Support:

Call toll free 800-227-2572 and speak with one of our representatives about:

  • Equipment Installation
  • On-Site Support

* Previous generation Dry Acid Dissolution Systems require a flush to the transfer hose prior to specific gravity measurements. The Accumix mixer eliminates this step.


  1. System Specifications, Tables 1 and 6. Isopure Dry Acid Dissolution System Operator’s Manual, IFU-0007 V0.
  2., accessed January 9, 2024.
  3. Mixing, Figure 3. Isopure Dry Acid Dissolution System Operator’s Manual, IFU-0007 V0.
  4. System Specifications, Table 6. Isopure Dry Acid Dissolution System Operator’s Manual, IFU-0007 V0.
  5. Mixing, Step 21. Isopure Dry Acid Dissolution System Operator’s Manual, IFU-0007 V0.
  6. Overview, Section 5. Isopure Dry Acid Dissolution System Operator’s Manual, IFU-0007 V0.
  7., accessed January 9, 2024.
  8. Batch Log. Isopure Dry Acid Dissolution System Operator’s Manual, IFU-0007 V0.

Indications for Use
The Isopure Dry Acid Dissolution System is designed to mix dry acid concentrates with purified water to produce an acid concentrate solution for hemodialysis for use in 3-Stream (acid concentrate, bicarbonate concentrate, and water) hemodialysis machines.

Caution: Federal (US) law restricts these devices to sale by or on the order of a physician.

Note: Read the Instructions for Use for safe and proper use of these devices. For a complete description of hazards, contraindications, side effects and precautions, see full package labeling.

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