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AquaBplus Frequently Asked Questions By Fresenius Medical Care Renal Technologies

Below is a list of frequently asked questions about the AquaBplus, a versatile dialysis water treatment system. If you don’t see the answers you are looking for below, please contact our Support Team.  

Q: How does the AquaBplus system work?

A: The AquaBplus uses reverse osmosis (RO) to remove organic and inorganic substances and microbial contaminants from the water required for hemodialysis and other therapies. This feature-rich system includes remote monitoring capabilities and system safety self-test routines at every power-up to ensure that it promotes hygienic conditions in the entire fluid path up to the dialysis machine input.

Q: What are the benefits of a modular RO water system?

A: The AquaBplus is a modular platform allowing components to be combined in multiple configurations, including single or double stage, while also offering the option for automated heat disinfection. This flexibility helps meet a wide range of local regulatory and water safety requirements. A modular system can also fit a single stage system into a smaller room configuration.

Q: What type of disinfection do you perform on an Aqua RO water system?

A: The system is designed to perform a chemical disinfect of the RO and offers an optional heat disinfection of the ring main. The fluid fly loop offers a dead-space free design for improved microbiological results.1

Q: Can you schedule AquaBplus to turn on and off?

A: Yes. AquaBplus can be scheduled to turn on and off based on the clinic’s operating hours, streamlining the process for employees opening and closing the clinic.

Q: What testing features are included in the AquaBplus?

A: The AquaBplus supports daily monitoring from one central location through an intuitive user interface. The system also tests itself at the beginning of every program to ensure the sensors and other components are functioning properly before use.

Q: Does the AquaBplus have any eco-friendly functions?

A: Our demand-controlled water-saving circuit, offering up to 75 percent water yield control, minimizes the machine’s water intake and reduces operating costs thanks to intelligent parameter controls.1

Q: What kind of maintenance do I have to perform on the AquaBplus?

A: The only mandatory preventative maintenance required is a technical safety check every two years.

Q: Does the AquaBplus offer remote monitoring?

A: Yes, the AquaBplus can be set up so that operating data is available remotely improving system oversight for the clinic.

Q: How does the AquaBplus stand out from other RO systems?

A: The AquaBplus includes single-stage and double-stage options. The AquaBplus is the primary RO system and the AquaBplus B2 is an optional RO module which adds an additional level of water purification.  

Q: What is the benefit of having a double-stage system?

A: In addition to enhancing the level of water purification, having two RO systems minimizes downtime and interruptions in patient treatment if one fails, as well as the associated costs with downtime.1

Q: What are the benefits of adding pre-treatment?

A: Pre-treatment is essential to help remove impurities in the water. The pre-treatment devices will help ensure the effective and efficient operation of the RO machine, reducing downtime and operational costs. 

Interested in learning more about AquaBplusCONTACT US HERE


1 AquaBplus, Instructions for Use, F40015145, 510(k) April 2014


Instructions for Use:
The AquaBplus Water Purification Systems are reverse osmosis units intended for use with hemodialysis systems to remove organic and inorganic substances and microbial contaminants from the water used for treating hemodialysis patients or other related therapies. These devices are intended to be a component in a complete water purification system and are not complete water treatment systems. Each reverse osmosis unit must be preceded by pre-treatment devices and may need to be followed by post-treatment devices as well, to meet current AAMI/ANSI/ISO and Federal (US) standards.

Caution: Federal (US) law restricts these devices to sale by or on the order of a physician.

Note: Read the Instructions for Use for safe end proper use of these devices. For a complete description of hazards, contraindications, side effects and precautions, see full package labeling.

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