March is a big month for basketball — and kidney health. So during National Kidney Month, talk with your patients about how common chronic kidney disease (CKD) is and how important it is to understand their kidney health.
More than 1 in 7
people have chronic kidney disease (CKD)1
90% of people
with stage 3 CKD don't know that they have it1
2 in 5 adults
with severe CKD don't even know they have kidney disease1
29% of chronic kidney disease cases are caused by hypertension, and 44% by diabetes. Get in the game by talking to your patients with these risk factors about CKD and getting tested.
Family history or age
Family members with kidney disease or an age of 60 or older
Health problems
A diagnosis of diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, obesity, or other kidney or immune conditions
African American, Hispanic, or Native American ethnicity may carry greater risk
In the CKD prevention and education game, you're way up court. Take advantage of these resources for people living with kidney disease and make a play for kidney health.
1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Chronic kidney disease in the UNited States, 2021, Atlanta, GA: US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 2021