Therapy data management.
cDL allows the seamless integration of the Therapy Data Management System as a sub-system in a higher-level Hospital Information System (HIS). The direct data exchange allows a consistent use of essential patient data in all hospital wards. This takes from the workload of clinical staff and increases the quality and accuracy of patient data processed in the HIS. It saves valuable time and increases the effectiveness and efficiency of the core hospital processes, such as billing processes or treatment documentation, in electronic health records. Furthermore, it puts the hospital in a position to demonstrate the high quality of the hospital standards. The cDL is part of the Therapy Data Management System.
Additional information relating to multiBic or Calrecia can be found in the critical care section of our product information page.
Adverse events should be reported. Reporting forms and information can be found at or search for MHRA Yellowcard in the Google Play or Apple app store. Adverse events should also be reported to Fresenius Medical Care on 01623 445100.
UK/HEMA/FME/0922/0005 Date of Preparation: November 2022